我的Uber driver app里的Momentum卡已经消失好几周了,很奇怪。我试过删除并重装Uber app,也试过升级。退出并重新登陆,等等,这些方法都不管用。
我的Momentum卡是Silver级别,最有用的就是在StarMart Caltex加油站,可以享受每次加油5c/L的优惠。那如果一次加满一箱60L油的话,也有$3的折扣呢,现在不能用了感觉很不爽。
方法就是,在手机上访问这个链接:t.uber.com/my-momentum 用Uber帐号登陆以后,就能看到自己的Momentum卡了。但每次要登陆实在是太麻烦了,我就把卡的二维码的这个屏幕截屏下来,保存在手机里。每次加油的时候,出示一下这张图片给加油站收银员扫一下就能得到折扣了。
===== Uber 的回复 并提供了一个临时解决方案 =====
I’m really sorry to hear about the issues you are experiencing accessing your momentum card in your driver app. This is an issue we are working to fix as quickly as possible.
As a temporary solution, you can access your momentum card directly on your mobile phone by tapping on this link: t.uber.com/my-momentum and then logging in with the exact same email address and password that you use to log in to your Driver App.
希望这个方法,对碰到同样问题的Uber司机有帮助。Happy Ubering everyone!