Taxify 终于也有”顺风车”功能了 Driver Destinations

Taxify 最近终于也推出了类似于 Uber的”顺风车”功能,叫Driver Destinations

同样的功能 Uber叫做Set Destination,可以参见我以前的一篇博文 – Uber Set Destination 是个好东西 (优步顺风车功能)

目前Taxify这个功能还只支持 IOS版本,必须要升级app到最新版本,然后就会发现在App界面的左上角,多了一个 + 号,点击这个 +号以后,就可以设置目的地了。

比Uber好的是,Taxify可以在Driver Destinations这个功能里边,预存家庭地址,和常用目的地,这个功能非常贴心。

Uber app就只能每次手工输入,然后搜索地址,非常麻烦,而且在开车的时候,很难操作,也不安全。



How Driver Destinations work?

  1. Go online, click on the plus sign in the top left corner of the app
  2. Choose your destination or use a saved location
  3. We will connect you with riders going towards the destination you have selected


Important notes: 

  • As this is a new feature, we want to encourage its use so are allowing 4 driver destination trips per day. These are great to use when you are heading back home or trying to work towards a high demand area.
  • Trips completed using “Destination” count towards all bonuses, just like normal trips.
  • You might have to wait a bit longer for the trip request as not all passengers are going towards the same destination you selected.



其实Ola app也有这个功能,但是我个人感觉几乎没用,从来没有接到过Ola顺风车单。



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