ATO (澳洲税局) 正在严查Uber司机的GST注册和收入情况

今天收到Uber发来的一封email, 标题是”Updating you on a request for information(邮件原文在本文末)




Good Luck everyone!


另外,有兴趣的话,可以看看我之前的关于Uber GST相关信息的一篇blog.



From: Uber <[email protected]>

Updating you on a request for information

Dear xxxxxx,

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has issued an official notice requiring information from Uber about its driver-partners. We are writing to advise you that this request includes details about your driver-partner account and any payments you received in the 2015/16 and 2016/17 financial years up to 31 March 2017. Please note that the ATO has signalled it is likely to continue to require information on a quarterly basis going forward.

In accordance with the notice, as legally required and as permitted under the Driver Privacy Statement (Non-U.S.), we will be providing the ATO with the following information about your driver-partner account during those periods:

  • Birth date
  • Contact details (mobile phone number and email address)
  • Bank account number and BSB (currently on file)
  • Australian Business Number (if currently on file)
  • Vehicle details (vehicle registration, make, model and year)
  • Date commenced as Uber driver-partner
  • Date ceased as Uber driver-partner (if applicable)
  • Date of last trip made
  • Value and date of all payments received for the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 financial years (up to 31 March 2017).

For your information, details of the payments you received in these periods are available on the partner dashboard – just head to

For further information regarding the ATO and its data matching programs, you can visit its website here. You can also contact them by phone on 13 72 26. The ATO’s view on ride-sharing and tax can also be found by visiting its website here.



You can contact Uber here.

《ATO (澳洲税局) 正在严查Uber司机的GST注册和收入情况》有2个想法

  1. 您好我在澳洲陪读!我的签证工作许可是每周20小时工作时间!如果我做Uber超过20小时会有什么麻烦吗

    1. 你好Nick, 个人不建议你工作时长超过签证允许的时间,特别是开Uber的收入和工作时长是非常透明的,一查就知道。你如果只是为了挣钱而违反了你持有的Visa的规定,似乎有点得不偿失。建议你可以每周只开20小时,专门挑高峰的时间开,做的好的话差不多20小时应该能挣到每周800刀左右。


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