澳洲优步重大改变 – 从2021年3月1日起会影响大部分Uber司机





Uber在邮件里说了从3月1日开始,如果你是普通Uber司机(也就是非“只做送餐”的司机),你的Uber Driver App里的送餐功能就没有了。





我的猜想是: Uber可能觉得即做接人,又做送餐,会导致这样的司机两样都做不好。不但影响服务品质,又影响接单率。所以干脆把这2类司机分开,即提高服务,又方便管理。




下篇 – 我的决策和原因



Upcoming changes that will affect how you choose to use the Uber Driver App

We are getting in touch to let you know about some updates to the Uber Eats business that will involve changes to who can receive delivery requests from 1 March.

This email explains what the change means for you and when it will take place.

What is happening?

Uber Eats is updating its agreements. With this in mind, delivery people will have exclusive access to delivery trips requested on the Uber platform, and driver-partners will have exclusive access to rideshare trips.

This means that driver-partners like you will only be able to accept rideshare trips – you will not have the option to receive Uber Eats delivery requests.

What if I want to still receive delivery requests?

You won’t be able to toggle Eats delivery requests on/off at any time, but you can switch to a delivery person account if you would like to receive delivery requests from 1 March.

Within the next week, we’ll send you the exact steps if you want to make the switch. There’s nothing you need to do right now, but keep an eye on your email inbox.

We know that this will impact some driver-partners and it’s not a decision we’ve taken lightly. We will continue to work with you through this transition period and appreciate your support as we do this.

When is this happening?

The new business model changes will come into effect on 1 March 2021. As such, this is written notice that your existing services agreement with Portier Pacific Pty Ltd and Uber Portier B.V. (the Uber Eats entities) will terminate at midnight on 28 February 2021. There will be no change to your services agreement with Rasier Pacific Pty Ltd and Uber B.V. (the Uber Rides entities) – you will be able to receive rideshare trips as normal.


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